Sponsorship Opportunities
We offer a variety of Sponsorship Opportunites including:
$250,000: Build a Bunk
Construct a new, state-of-the-art home for six campers with or chronic illnesses and their counselors.
$15,000: Camp Trip
Sponsor an incredible day in New York City, complete with sightseeing and attractions, for the entire camp.
$7,500: Campership
Give a sick kid the summer of a lifetime.
$2,500: Barbecue
Treat the kids to their favorite dinner.
$1,000: Young Adult Summer Experience
Create an individualized summer program for young adults that help them make the transition from teen to adult life.
$250: Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
Fill the free soda, juice, and water machines all over camp.
$100: I made this myself!
Purchase supplies for one of camp’s many creative workshops.